Saturday, March 9, 2013

Rasberry Almond Bread

I have an "I don't cook disclaimer." I boiled my first egg at 23. I'm loud and proud about my culinary disability.

But cooking is starting to sneak up on me, the wily thing. I actually like occasionally making something and having it turn out edible. And if it's not only edible, but tasty? You'd think I was the first person to ever turn on her oven and dare sling a pan inside, I am THAT proud.

I made Joy the Baker's Raspberry Almond Bread and nearly died of happiness. Check out her website - even if cooking's not your thing, she's funny. And I love a funny cook.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Winter Storm Nemo hit hard - I was lucky enough to have Friday off, which was fortunate because I lost power at 10:30 pm and spent Saturday freezing in my apartment. By noon I was getting a bit stir-crazy, so I ventured outside to take some pictures.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Green Monster

I'll admit, I was a bit leery on the green smoothie/juice phase. I was looking at girls chugging their drinks and thinking, you be crayzy.

But it suddenly hit me - this is how you can trick yourself into getting more vegetables! The odds of me sitting down to a nice kale and spinach salad are about the same as a third Death Star ending up in the new Star Wars movies they're planning. (Seriously guys, Episodes I-III were a disappointment, and there is NO WAY you can have a third Death Star. Once was scary, two was uncanny, three will be laughable. Save yourselves. Come up with some different galactic threats. I may or may not have read the expanded universe novels, and may or may not be thinking of a few scenarios you could spice up. Do not fail me).

Inner geekdom aside - I throw some kale or spinach into a blender, add bananas, water/whatever juice is in my fridge, and an assortment of frozen fruit. Blend. Pour into glasses. Place into fridge. And chug down during the week while getting ready for work. Ta-da - Extra veggies!!


*This is the coolest they've ever looked. Normally my DIY smoothies look like someone vomited profusely, tried to swallow it back down, and failed.

**These are a supplement to breakfast, not a replacement. Otherwise I would be hungry in about 7 minutes. 
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